Elementary School
Our Elementary School is comprised of 1st–4th grades. Each day includes an excellent Judaic, Secular and Hebrew Language Curriculum, with enrichment activities incorporated throughout the year. A high level of achievement in both Judaic and secular realms is a key component in our education. Staff members possess a sincere desire to help each student by catering to specific needs and providing individualized instruction as necessary. Below are topics covered in each subject.
Hebrew reading fluency skills using Kriyah Neimah and Zoom into Correct Kriyah.
Chumash: Sefer Bereishit
Navi: Sefer Yehoshua (starting in 4th grade)
Skills: shorashim, suffixes, prefixes, gender, singular/plural, Rashi (starting in 2nd grade)
Halacha: related to holidays and Jewish life (1st–3rd), Taryag Mitzvoth (4th grade)
Middot: Konei Olam curriculum; focus monthly on a different midday (3rd grade), Shomrei Halation (4th grade)
Tefilla: Daven together daily by class for Shacharit
Emerging Reading and Writing Skills, Grammar
Vocabulary and Spelling
Spotlight on Literacy and novels
Number Sense and Operations
Time, Money, Calendar, Measurement, and Estimation
Problem Solving
Fractions, graphs, geometry
Community concepts
Geography: Map skills
Government and Services
Historical events
Native Americans
Plant and Animal life cycles
The Human Body: Major body parts and functions
Our Solar System
Units in Weather, Nutrition, and Earth Science